The Oncoguia Institute has become one of the first organisations to receive the Doar Seal – Transparent NGO, which certifies the transparency of information provided on the internet by non-profit civil society entities. The seal is conferred by the Doar Institute to highlight and encourage professionalism in Brazilian non-governmental organisations.

The organisations that received the seal went through an extensive selection that evaluated the clarity of the information about the cause adopted, its purposes and the strategies used in its action. The processes that ensure the legitimacy and fulfilment of the responsibilities of the organisation’s representatives, the planning and continuous monitoring of its activities, its financing strategy and its accountability and communication actions were also evaluated.

“Transparency is one of the pillars of the seal and therefore permeates all other fields. This specific aspect addresses the need to disseminate the main information of the organisation and the existence of communication channels for this,” the organisers explain. All the channels of the Oncoguia Institute were analysed, including the Oncoguia Portal, the organisation’s Facebook page and the spaces for direct interaction with its publics, such as contact and donation pages and analysis of access to its mission, its status, the projects and actions in progress, the geographical area of ​​activity, the annual reports and the members of the Board and the Board.

“These 40 organisations are very special and they have made every effort to show visitors to their website not only who they are, but their numbers, their goals and their team. More than ever we need NGOs like these: transparent in their actions, focused on their missions, “says Marcelo Estraviz, founder of the Doar Institute, and the Doar

The Seal is valid for one year, after which the organisations must undergo a new evaluation to renew their certification.

