On the 23rd of August 2019, Breathe, one of our Canadian member organisations, released a statement expressing its concern about the link between vaping and lung illness.

Terry Dean, its President and CEO reiterated that ‘Anything-other than clean air- that is inhaled can be damaging to the lungs.’

He also called for more research into the lung affects of vaping, as well as educational and political measures to ensure young Canadians who vape are sufficiently informed about their habit.

‘The normalization of smoking behaviour among youth through the introduction of e-cigarettes… allowed the vaping industry to succeed in the Canadian market’.

They call for a total ban on the advertisement and promotion of vaping and said that they would continue monitoring the situation.

You can read the full statement here: https://www.lung.ca/news/latest-news/statement-vaping-and-lung-disease
